A. A. Vogel


A. A. (Alison Andrews) Vogel was born in southern California, lived in Saudi Arabia and England with her parents as a teen, went to boarding school in Switzerland, and finally settled down in the greater Seattle area with her husband. Alison holds an AB in Engineering Sciences from Dartmouth College and a PhD in Mechanical Engineering from Stanford University. She’s been an aerospace scientist, a soccer mom, a liturgical artist, and a technical writer. Now all she does is write YA fiction. Seriously . . . that’s all. Well, that and hang out with her husband and adult daughters, who lure her away from her computer with walks in the woods and games of Bananagrams. Call it a case of arrested development, but Alison writes teen fiction because that’s what she likes (needs?) to read. Scratch the surface of any YA story worth its salt, and you’ve got at least one important life lesson you get to learn/relearn right along with the protagonist. Need to overcome that fear? How about sorting out all the different kinds of love? Maybe a dose of redemption is what you’re searching for, or you’ve lost faith in yourself or the universe and you’re trying to get it back. Teens do that, and more, every day. Plus study for the math test. They’re Alison’s heroes. Alison is a member of the SCBWI, the Episcopal Church, and The Habit writing community. They all inspire her author journey.


