Andrea Shavick is the British author of books for both children and adults. Her website can be found at which showcases her books and children’s poetry, lists her freelance writing portfolio and features hundreds of poems sent in by children and teenagers from across the globe. CHILDREN’S WORK Andrea’s children’s work includes many picture books for very young children, reader fiction (stories for 5 to 11 year olds) and one non-fiction book which is a biography of her own favourite children’s author; Roald Dahl, published by Oxford University Press in 1997 and formerly an 11+ exam text. And it’s still selling after 23 years! Andrea is also a prolific children’s poet, her work appearing in over 100 anthologies and her own solo collection 'Grandma was Eaten by a Shark! Her children’s work is published worldwide by Oxford University Press, Orchard Books, Macmillan, Ginn, Scholastic, Walker Books, Appletree Press, Harcourt Education, Hatchette, Schofield & Sims, Gullane Children’s Books and Frances Lincoln among others, many books being translated into 15+ languages. BOOKS FOR ADULTS Andrea’s non-fiction work for adults includes a book about playing poker; 'No-Limit Texas Holden for Winners,' which was included in Blackwell’s ‘Top 100 Books You Should Read Before You Die,’ many books on passing psychometric tests, job-hunting and credit management, plus her well-known 'How to Write a Children’s Picture Book and get it Published.' This is the book Andrea says she enjoyed creating the most because she was able to include all her knowledge, hundreds of tips and over 20 years of experience - everything she wished she’d known when she was just starting out. Publishers for her non-fiction adult work are Hatchette and Kogan Page.