I am Aaron Wright, the perfect blend of humor and lifestyle! Here in my world, you will find a vast collection of fascinating reads about our ever-revolving planet and almost everything therein. Right from when I was just a boy, I would often spend quality time browsing through encyclopedias and other factual resources I could lay my hands on through my high school and college years, and it goes on and on. Luckily for me, I am blessed with children who push me to the edge with questions about random stuff, which I enjoy answering with detailed answers, thus inspiring me to put my discoveries onto papers, which you can find on my bookshelf. Over time, I started to notice a gradual decline in my overall performance in the things I used to do hitch-free before as a result of my transition into a senior. But I cannot be grateful enough for physical exercises and how they have greatly helped me regain my balance and overall coordination. If you ever find yourself on this path where you need to defy the norms of aging, you are not alone. I have written a collection of books from my personal experience that will help you to escape this reality of aging. Start living every phase of your life now!