Abigail Clarke


Hi, I’m Abigail – writer and mommy of 3 furry babies: Simba, Snowball and Oreo – my 3 musKITTYeers! Check Out my blog https://askmycats.com/ What’s Our Mission? Our mission is very simple – prevention is better than cure. A lot of the health and lifestyle problems that our feline babies suffer from are actually largely preventable. So, by spreading knowledge from our experience and research, we want to reach as many cat parents as we can, to help them avoid the avoidable mistakes and prevent the preventable problems. What’s Our Vision? Our vision is one where we see cat parents being diligent, alert, and caring. We visualize cat parents enjoying long years of good health and happiness with their feline babies. We visualize a happy, complete family with a healthy furry baby. We’re so happy you’re here. We’re so happy that we get to be a part of your journey with your cats.

