Adam Ellison


Adam Ellison is a world-acclaimed author (at least, according to his wife) and the creator of some of the most beloved children’s books in his family, including Oh No! There’s a Bug on My Rug, Oh No! There's a Mouse in My House, and Oh No! There's a Snake in the Lake. His stories are known for their playful rhymes, hilarious adventures, and just the right amount of educational fun. When he’s not writing, Adam can be found in the whirlwind of family life—chauffeuring his kids to ballet, soccer, tennis, school, gymnastics, camp, parks, museums, the grocery store, the dentist, and sometimes even urgent care. Despite the chaos, he wouldn’t have it any other way. Adam lives in Los Angeles with his beautiful family and loves reading to his kids before bed. The sound of their infectious giggles, especially when they're supposed to be "calming down" and "getting ready to fall asleep," is one of his favorite things. His guilty pleasures include 90s pop music and Girl Scout cookies. And while he’s doing his best to be the cool dad, his kids seem to grow up a little faster each day—and somehow find him more annoying with each passing year. Adam’s books are filled with imagination, humor, and everyday adventures that kids love. Connect with him on [Instagram: cj_smyles] and stay up to date with his latest stories!

