Adrian Colesberry was born at 7:20 in the morning after a delivery that caused his mother, by the kindly woman's own report, no pain. Since that day, he has taken scrupulous care to endow the rest of his life with the same modesty and kindness that characterized his miraculous entrance into this world. He got a degree in biomedical engineering (painful, true, but only for him). After college, he spent ten years managing manufacturing operations in the pharmaceutical industry where, he is proud to report, he never made any product that could be used to pour gasoline on the raging fire of male insecurity about whether their penises are long enough or thick enough or hard enough or hard enough for long enough or hard enough fast enough or hard enough at the right time enough... Adrian remembers a golden age when the cure for perceived erectile deficiencies was something called cunnilingus and he believes that those were happier times for men and (especially) for women. Ladies? In the evenings, after work, Adrian did stand-up comedy, proving once more the age-old formula: corporate drug manufacturing + time (approx 2 hours) = comedy. In 2002, he landed a spot on NBC's Late Friday. After his divorce, Adrian quit his corporate job and found humbler employment as a background extra in film and TV. He didn't get to deploy his college education as an extra, but he did gain a brand new skill set including: dressing himself, arriving at a specific location at a specific time, filling out an employment voucher, shutting up when anyone said, "Rolling!" sitting, standing and walking in lines, both straight and curved. Adrian highly recommends extra work for reducing your karmic load. The most ambitious monk would be challenged to do less in one day than an extra. It was during his Zen-like retreat into extra-land, that Adrian wrote the dirty, funny, dirty How to Make Love to Adrian Colesberry. Much of the book was written on a Palm Pilot standing around between takes on such fine films as Aviator and Spiderman 2, and on celebrated TV shows like Boston Legal, ER, Curb Your Enthusiasm, and Entourage in which his back and torso and face have appeared for countable fractions of a second. An excerpt from an early version of his book was published on Not his first time out of the gates as a writer, in 1994, he wrote the award-winning Costa Rica: the Last Country the Gods Made.