Alan Ellman


History Of The Blue Collar Investor Corp. The Blue Collar Investor was NOT a brilliant idea of mine...,it just happened! I was a frustrated blue collar investor just like you. I attended a top tier High School, College and Dental School. All those years of education and I knew NOTHING about the Stock Market or investing in general. Our education system failed us! I investigated full service brokers, analysts, mutual fund managers, friends, relatives, colleagues and media experts. Would any of these people lead me to the Promised Land? The answer, for varied reasons, was a resounding NO I used the power of self-education to accomplish my mission of becoming an accomplished stock market investor. I used the same blueprint that I adapted to become a licensed General Dentist, a Certified Personal Trainer, and a Licensed Real Estate Agent. Year after year, my portfolio generated higher returns than those of the average Stock Market. When I started selling options, those returns increased exponentially. GETTING STARTED: In 2006 I was invited to speak before a group of 250 Real Estate Investors about some successful property investments I had fashioned. When I mentioned that I purchased my first investment property with the profits earned from selling stock options, the floodgates opened! Endless numbers of calls and emails asking me to explain how I do this. SPEAKER AND AUTHOR OF 4 BOOKS: In response I held a series of seminars, each one a sellout. That has led to my penning of four books, Cashing in on Covered Calls, Exit Strategies for Covered Call Writing, Alan Ellman's Complete Encyclopedia For Covered Call Writing, and my latest, Stock Investing for Students. In addition to that, a DVD and CD Series have been created. Most recently I have been asked to present seminars on behalf of The MoneyShow, Stock Traders Expo, American Association of Individual Investors (AAII) Chapters nationwide, The prestigious, NYC Learning Annex and Norwegian Cruise Lines. I have also been an invited guest on the Mind Your Bizness radio program and Jordan Kimmel's Voice America financial radio program. In addition, I have qualified as an investment advisor rep via the Series 65 Examination. REQUIRED UNIVERSITY READING: And, in Dec. 2013, less than one month after publication, my latest book "Stock Investing for Students" is now required reading at a major US University I need to spread the word: we Blue Collar Investors have the intelligence, the motivation and the ability to be successful and independent stock market investors.



