My name is Alberto Barambio Canet, I am a passionate traveler who creates travel content under the name "A viajar, que son dos días" (Travel, because life is too short). In 2021, I set out to share my travel experiences and show the world that there is more to life than working 9 to 5. Currently, I also work as a mathematics teacher in an online international school. This allows me to live in different countries while traveling and learning about new destinations and cultures. In this way, I find inspiration for my upcoming travel guides. My travel guides stand out from the rest for these reasons: -They are easy to read, without long texts. -They have over 200 photographs/guides that help inspire you for your next trip. -My goal is for you to know all the basics of traveling to the country I'm talking about in the guide in just 1 hour of reading. -Finally, you can see how I have been to all the destinations I recommend in the guide. Since I have spent a long time or lived in the countries of the guides, I can give you firsthand information. So, I would like to invite you to follow me so that we can discover new cultures and explore fascinating countries together. You can also follow me on social media: Instagram: @viajasondosdias Tik Tok: @1hourtravelguides