Hey everyone!!! :) Thanks for visiting my author page. I'm Alejandra Villasmil and I've had a passion for art ever since I got my first crayon at the age of two and drew in the blank canvas of my mother’s hallway. From tango dancer to obtaining a Bachelor’s Degree in Animation, to scriptwriting and children's books, my obsession has always been to create emotions through art. I've illustrated a book called "Volamos Juntos" in Spanish, an autism inclusion resource for the little ones, and co-written and illustrated "Vampires Have Crazy Hair". My mind is filled with more stories to come, so feel free to follow me and keep in touch. I hope my books and stories lead you into Fantasy worlds, away from the sometimes chaotic real life, to enjoy a time of laughter and connection with your loved ones! If you want to keep in touch don't hesitate to contact me at ale.alex.art@gmail.com or follow my IG account @alealexart