Alex Marchant


Born and raised in the rolling Surrey downs, and following stints as in archaeology and publishing in London, Stirling and Gloucester, I now live and write surrounded by moors in King Richard III’s northern heartland. My first novel, 'Time out of Time' (published June 2021), won the 2012 Chapter One Children’s Book Award and my second was put to one side in 2013 when the rediscovery of King Richard’s grave in a car park in Leicester was announced. A Ricardian since my teens, it prompted me at last to write a novel about the real Richard III for older children. So 'The Order of the White Boar' and its sequel 'The King’s Man' were born. A third novel in the sequence, 'King in Waiting', was published in 2021, with 'Sons of York; to follow in June 2022. Together the four books explore the life and legacy of the real King Richard III, not the fictionalized villain of Shakespeare's play and 'traditional' history. They have been called 'A wonderful work of historical fiction for both children and adults' by the Bulletin of the Richard III Society. I've also edited two anthologies of short fiction by authors inspired by King Richard: 'Grant Me the Carving of My Name' and 'Right Trusty and Well Beloved...' Both are sold in support of Scoliosis Association UK (SAUK), helping people today who have the same spinal condition as King Richard.



