The Complete HVAC BIBLE for Beginners: A Step-by-Step Guide to Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Systems - Maintenance and Troubleshooting to Become the HVAC Expert and Slash the Bill

Alex Winterfield is an experienced HVAC professional born and raised in Minneapolis, Minnesota, a city that is no stranger to harsh cold temperatures. He is married to Mary and has two sons, Brian and Thomas, with whom he shares a passion for ice hockey. Alex’s broad work experience ranges from repairing home systems to managing complex solutions in large spaces. Alongside his excitement for hockey, Alex has a passion for reading and writing books, which led him to share his broad knowledge on HVAC systems in “HVAC for Beginners”. The book is an easy guide that breaks down the complexities of HVAC systems with easy-to-implement tips for an audience with any level of expertise in the field.