Allen Sama


After getting laid off from the only real job he ever had because of the Subprime Mortgage Crisis, Allen Sama was in dire straits. He was trying to learn to trade the markets to earn a living but it wasn’t going so well. But thanks to a simple oversight, Allen stumbled upon a little known method of trading that changed his life. Since then, he has been improving his methods and spreading the word about trading options. Allen now lives what he calls the Passive Trading Lifestyle: trading for a few minutes a day, and using the rest of his time as he chooses. He is the Head Trader at Option Genius LLC, and happily shares his trading knowledge with his members, students, and listeners of the Option Genius Podcast. Allen lives just outside Houston, Texas with his wife and three young children. When he is not working, he enjoys traveling, playing with his children, eating out and chocolate. He would love to hear from you at


