Children’s book author Amanda Esch-Cormier wrote poems and songs as a tween and performed them around town. She took that talent and began teaching songwriting in Nashville, Tennessee. Her passion for writing continued when, as a teacher, she enjoyed collecting children’s books for her classroom and realized that medium was her next journey as a writer. Amanda is never at a loss for generating story ideas for her picture books, including her most recent release Wild and Beautiful, a tender message from a mother to her child. A random thought, a one-liner, life experiences, and conversations are all great fodder for Amanda’s creativity in writing. She also uses her extensive background in studying music, singing, and storytelling through song to give her perspective when writing for children. Amanda believes a good story is one that the reader emotionally connects with, one that provides a world that they can lose themselves in and feel less alone. She hopes her young readers come away from Wild and Beautiful with an understanding that mothers have dreams and ambitions of their own that they couldn’t wait to share with their child and encourage them to have their own as well. Amanda spent years as a teacher for students with disabilities, specializing in children needing behavioral support. Through this work, she fell in love with finding innovative ways to break down and retell stories to increase readability, comprehension, as well as, promote empathy and confidence in the classroom. When she isn’t writing tender and heartwarming stories for children and their families, Amanda enjoys going out with friends, gardening, singing, and exercising in nature. She loves spending time and traveling with her daughters, her husband, and their pets—two dogs, Izzy and Jolene, and a cat named Dolly. They currently live in Michigan.