Marine Corps veteran. Martial artist. Message mastery expert. Fiction/non-fiction author/Creative writing instructor. Golden Girls binge-watcher. Fanatical follower of the RV lifestyle. Chinese food advocate. Irrational addiction to office supplies. Equally irrational fear of balloons. Over 20 years ago, when asked by my Marine Corps recruiter, I flippantly suggested journalism as a Military Occupational Specialty (MOS), (aka job I'd train for while in the Marine Corps.) having never before considered making writing a career. Always good in English, but never gave it much more thought beyond essays and term papers. As a result, I became a Combat Correspondent while I was in the military. That spur-of-the-moment decision changed the trajectory of my life and catapulted me- slingshot style- into the life as a teacher, freelance writer, author, journalist, and entrepreneur. I found out what I should be doing with my life- teaching others how to write stories that persuade, entertain and delight humans while also helping them get clear on their messaging so they can impact change in their own communities. Words matter. What we say very often shapes the perceptions of other people as to who we are. I enjoy teaching future generations the valuable and lucrative art of communication. It's my mission to equip them with out-of-the-box communication skills that get them noticed and heard no matter what direction they pursue in their lives.