Amber Lea Starfire


Amber Lea Starfire is an award-winning author, editor, and writing coach in Napa, California. Amber's latest memoir, Accidental Jesus Freak: One Woman's Journey from Fundamentalism to Freedom, explores the tensions between genders and between beliefs and reality. Her first memoir, Not the Mother I Remember was a finalist for the Indie Book Awards for 2015 and the Sarton Memoir Awards in 2016. She also co-edited the groundbreaking anthology, Times They Were A-Changing: Women Remember the '60s & '70s. In addition to memoir, Amber has authored several books on journaling, including Journaling for Dummies, Week by Week: A Year's Worth of Journaling Prompts & Meditations, Journaling the Chakras, and Journaling through Relationships. Amber Lea Starfire's passion is helping others tell their stories, make meaning of their lives, and access their inner wisdom and creativity through the act of writing. She offers courses in journaling and creative writing and can be found at



