And then Exhale


Founded by clinical mental health counseling graduate student, Madiha Abbas, "And Then, Exhale LLC" was created from a desire to help individuals reconnect with their authentic selves. We understand that amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life, it's easy to lose sight of your inner voice. Our guided journals encourage you to slow down, reflect and unlock your true potential. Our journals offer thoughtfully designed prompts, inspiring quotes, and deep reflective exercises that guide you on a journey of self-exploration. Each page invites you to delve deep, ask questions, and express your thoughts intentionally. Whether you are a seasoned writer or just starting out, our journal holds a welcoming space for everyone. We believe journaling is more than just a solitary practice; it’s a shared journey. By choosing "And then, Exhale," you’re becoming part of an inspiring community committed to personal growth, self-expression, and acceptance. We encourage you to share your experiences and connect with others through our online platforms. We’re excited for you to start this journey of self-discovery with us. Remember, each page you turn brings you closer to a deeper understanding of yourself. Let’s embrace the beauty of introspection and work together to create a brighter, more mindful future. Thank you for being a part of Our Family With love and light And then, exhale.

