André De Waal


André A. de Waal is an author of over 25 business books, associate professor High Performance Organizations at the Maastricht School of Management and business owner and advisor at the HPO Center on the subject of performance management and high performance organizations. He was selected by as one of ten "Dutch Masters in Management." He is the author of a number of books on the subject in English and Dutch, of which two have been translated into Chinese. André de Waal received a Master of Science degree in 1983 at the University of Leiden (The Netherlands). and a MBA in 1985 at Northwestern University (USA). He received his doctorate in 2002 at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, with a thesis on "The Role of Behavioral Factors in the successful Implementation and Use of Performance Management". He worked for seventeen years as an organizational advisor and partner at Arthur Andersen and the Holland Consulting Group. As a consultant and researcher he primarily focuses on strategic performance management and organizations that excel. In December 2007 he co-founded his own advisory and research company, Center for Organizational Performance (HPO Center), in Hilversum, The Netherlands after several round-table talks with non-profit and profit organizations. Besides acting as the academic director there, he is Associate Professor High Performance Organizations at Maastricht School of Management, visiting lecturer at Erasmus University Rotterdam and the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. In 2009 De Waal received the Highly Commended Award from the International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management for one of his articles, "Stimulating performance-driven behaviour to obtain better results". In 2012 De Waal received the Highly Commended Award at the Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2012 for his publication "The Evolutionary Adoption Framework: explaining the budgeting paradox" published in Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change. The article entitled "Longitudinal research into factors of high performance: the follow-up case of Nabil Bank" published in Measuring Business Excellence has been chosen as an Outstanding Paper Award Winner at the Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2012. André has conducted several years of scientific research, examining 290 international studies and analyzing studies in 50 countries involving over 1,470 profit, non-profit and government organizations. André has conducted several years of scientific research, examining 290 international studies and analyzing studies in 50 countries involving over 1,470 profit, non-profit and government organizations. The results of his study into the success factors of High Performance Organizations will be published in his upcoming book What Makes A High Performance Organization - Five Validated Factors of Competitive Advantage that Apply Worldwide. (Global Professional Publishing, 2012).



