Andrew Pinder


Andrew Pinder (London 1955) initially studied archaeology, and worked as an archaeologist and prehistorian, directing excavations and producing illustrations for museums, books and specialist publications. Since 1986 he has lived in Mallorca working as an illustrator and painter. He has illustrated about eighty books for adults and children, including the ‘Wimpy Vampire’ and ‘Dorkius Maximus’ books ‘Curiosity killed the Meerkat’, the kindle book ‘The Oddities go on Holiday’ and the digital book ‘Perkin’s Perfect Pet’ and a number of Doodle books. Apart from his painting and illustrations Andrew is also a geganter' - he has made the traditional Spanish giants that are carried in processions. including one for a village in Catalunya that, at 5.60 m tall, claims to be biggest in Spain.



