Born and raised in Miami, Florida, Andrew Toffoli is living one of his many dreams, which is illustrating, writing, and publishing his own children’s book series. He is a graduate of Florida State University in 1993 with a degree in Graphic Design. Andrew combined this degree with a love of teaching and began his career in the as a graphic design teacher in Miami Dade County Public Schools, where he has motivated students for over 24 years. Andrew’s inspiration comes from his love of family, art, history and teaching. “I created this series to teach important history along with a life lesson.” It is important to learn at a young age about those who have paved the way for us and what better way to learn than a bed-time story or reading with friends and family.” Over the past 10 years he has created a series of books, called “Histories”, that continues to grow. He has also earned a loyal following of teachers that use his books to teach history, art history and science across the curriculum. Inspiring children to not only learn history but, develop their inner author. The Histories series now contains 11 titles and has sold over 50,000 copies. During this time Andrew’s books have drawn the attention of different educational professionals. He has been a part of the Department of Education’s Teaching American History grant. He has also inspired teachers through professional development through the Glazer -Lorton Writing Institute. In 2014 he was asked to be the keynote speaker at the Broward Education Foundation’s 24th annual Innovative Teacher IDEA EXPO. Andrew has now expanded to become a non-profit, the Andrew Toffoli Arts Foundation. This way he can inspire children to develop their own inner author while learning history, collaborations skills, writing skills, and art. These same children and their parents are always asking, “When is the next book coming out?” Imagine seeing a child devour book after book about history and its most influential people. That is truly a dream come true. Andrew, his wife Cristina and their son, Christopher live in Miami, Florida, and never pass up an opportunity to be able to share Histories.