Andy Savage


My personal mission statement is simply, “Making God make sense, starting at home then everywhere else.” It is a privilege to serve as the teaching pastor at Highpoint Church in Memphis, TN. My passion is speaking, writing, coaching parents and teaching both married couples and single adults discover what it means to pursue God-honoring relationships. In addition to my regular blogging I have written two books, the Hero Handbook a devotional book for men ( and Giant Love ( a unique children’s book to help parents share the Gospel story with their kids. I also host "The Andy Savage Show" ( a weekly live radio talk show where I discusses marriage, parenting and family life issues. I'm gratefully married to Amanda, my wife of over eleven years. We have five boys. My home is where I find the most joy in life. In addition to family life and ministry I am very committed to my fitness and love working out at my local CrossFit gym. I'm pretty happy anywhere I can find a cup of good expresso. I encourage you to to check out, there you will find my blog, books and learn more about my ministry. You can also find me on Facebook and Twitter @andysavage.

