Aneta Ardelian Kuzma is a well-being coach and consultant. She works with high-achieving professionals and entrepreneurs to overcome burnout, redefine success, and create sustainable routines to achieve optimal health, and create lives of purpose, passion, and peace. After a successful 25 years in the corporate world, Aneta found herself burned out and dissatisfied. So, she embarked on her own self-discovery journey and then founded her coaching and consulting business to help others live the width - not just the length - of their lives. In addition to her MBA from the Weatherhead School of Management, Aneta is a certified Health Coach, Life, and Executive Coach, certified ACC coach with the International Coaching Federation, yoga and meditation teacher, breath work facilitator, host of transformation retreats, and the host of the Live the Width of Your Life podcast. You can find out more about Aneta, her coaching programs, wellness sessions, and retreats, or sign up for her newsletter at: