Anne Fromknecht is the Mom of two kids, ages 5 and 8. When helping teach her kids how to read, she struggled to find books in the sweet spot between picture books (that adults read to kids) and longer, text-heavy chapter books (geared toward upper elementary school-aged kids). Many school nights were spent encouraging her kids to "just try to sound it out" to finish the book for that week's reading log. This made reading feel like an assignment instead of an escape. Inspired to create books that her young kids could actually read on their own and make them giggle, she started the Ladder Book series. Ladder Books are perfect for kids who are learning sight words, starting to sound words out, and are ready to move on from picture books. Using short, simple sentences, interactive prompts, silliness, and fun, she hopes her books will build literary confidence and a lifetime love of reading. And anything that helps kids (and parents!) complete reading logs each week is a bonus too!