Anne-Laure Pham


Currently UX Writer / Content strategist in Nantes, France, Anne-Laure Pham's also one of the four associate members of the collective Les Camionneuses since 2013 : organizers of street food events, and founders of the Office, 1st culinary coworking spaces for young professionals, in Paris 18th. She wrote for L'Express, L'Obs, Fou de Cuisine, Fou de Pâtisserie magazines, as well as for the Food Karma podcast. Former editor-in-chief of the Culture and Lifestyle section of the generalist weekly Vraiment (January-July 2018), former editor-in-chief of the culinary magazine Zeste (L'Express group), director of operations in 2016-2017 for the pure player web and print FemininBio, she collaborated on the radio program "On va goûter", on France Inter for 3 years, as a columnist as well as on the program "La Table des bons Vivants", on Europe 1, until in 2019. She worked during 8 years for the L'Express group as a web journalist, first for the Politics section, then for the Food, Travel and Design pages. Twitter, Instagram : @alaurepham



