Annesse Brockley (Author): Annesse and her husband Mark live in the beautiful Black Hills of Spearfish, South Dakota. Here, they raised their two children and slowly transformed their family home into a fully functioning, natural homestead. When Annesse first became sick with lupus in 1992, little was known about the disease and the medical community held few treatment options. She set out to learn everything she could about lupus and other autoimmune diseases. Through her research, she came to learn that almost all modern-day illnesses are not only connected to each other, but also to the foods we eat. Annesse is now sharing her 20 years of learning, knowledge, progress and healing with others in an effort to help them recover from the devastation of autoimmune disease. Friends and acquaintances often gather around Annesse’s kitchen counter to write down her recipes, soak in her knowledge of herbs and learn her ideas for better nutrition and healthier living. To read articles published on Annesse, please visit: