Annie Judis


Annie Judis, the beloved, real-life Beverly Hills Jump Rope Queen, is a beacon of inspiration—even beyond the world’s most famed zip code, 90210. Born in the Midwest and raised in Houston, Texas, and after winning second runner-up in the Miss Texas Pageant, Annie moved to Hollywood as a young woman to pursue her dreams. As an African American actress and model in the 1960s and ‘70s, she shattered barriers and achieved many firsts. Annie lit up the screen in dozens of films and iconic TV shows like The Beverly Hillbillies, Starsky and Hutch, The Jeffersons, and many more. Sharing the spotlight with Hollywood’s finest, she made a powerful contribution and paved the way for Black women in the industry today. Fitness has been a lifelong priority for Annie. At the age of seventy-four years “young,” she was recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records as the world’s oldest competitive rope skipper. Through her unwavering devotion, she has earned multiple consecutive titles with plans for many more. Annie’s vibrant energy extends beyond rope skipping and fitness; she is also an ardent painter. Her home is adorned with her beautiful works of art, and she has even designed illustrations for children's books. Today, Annie continues to live life to the fullest. When she’s not training for her next world record, she’s motivating others to embrace a healthy lifestyle and spreading her mantra, “Health is Wealth!” Annie’s legacy is a testament to the power of perseverance, passion, and the importance of staying active and healthy at any age.


