Hello dear lovely reader :), I, Anton Hager, was born in Au, Austria. (1989) Yes the village is really called "Au". Later grew up in Mellau and Bezau. As I grew up, the most natural thing to do in winter times was skiing, as lifts are just infront the houses. While participating an engineering school and studying Architecture and Atmosperic Science, I then earned my money as ski instructor and still am sometimes. In Austria, Canada or Australia. *************** Because there are some offtimes between the seasons and winters are cold, I then started to write language courses. The first one I made was a language course for my home village (Bregenzerwald), where people speak a specific Austrian dialect, which is a bit similar to Swiss dialect. Later I thought, why not take these written stories and build language courses for other languages. So that´s what I did. My idea is basically to "word-to-word"-translate the language into their mother tongue. Then to record the stories. So the reader gets the experience of reading and listening at the same time and therefore learning the language on an intuitive way, like a child learns his mother tongue. *************** I also built a free App for that (just type "Anton Hager" in the App Store and you will find it). !!The App is currntly not available!!! So my language courses have their name "SPRAUCH" , because this word means language in this Austrian dialect. Some of these courses are now available on Amazon. *************** While I travel, I like to create valuable stuff for people. More books will follow ;) *************** Sometimes I posts on www.sprauch.at (in German), or www.sprauch.com (in English) See you in book! So long, Anton Hager ***************