Dr. Arnold T. Blumberg is the DOCTOR OF THE DEAD, a world renowned zombie scholar and expert as well as a pop culture and comics historian and educator. He is the author/co-author of Zombiemania, The Big BIG LITTLE BOOK Book, and the Howe's Transcendental Toybox series of Doctor Who merchandise guides. He has designed books like It Lives Again! and The Target Book, written fiction for the Doctor Who: Short Trips series, and has contributed to a number of essay collections on everything from superheroes to monsters. He teaches courses in zombies in popular media and the Marvel Cinematic Universe (Univ. of Baltimore) that have garnered global press coverage, as well as courses in media literacy, superhero mythology, and comic book literature at UMBC. Through his firm, ATB Publishing, Arnold is available to consult on a wide range of pop culture topics.