Ahoy there, book adventurers! I'm Ashton Lee, a forty-something wordsmith with an incurable case of wanderlust and an overactive imagination. By day, I'm the ring-leader of a trio of boisterous boys; by night, I'm the creator of the adventures I wish I'd had as a kid (minus the splinters and sea-sickness). My journey to authorhood wasn't exactly a straight line. I've zigzagged from New York to London, Stockholm to Hong Kong, collecting stories and paper cuts along the way. I spent years in the corporate world, honing my skills in the ancient art of PowerPoint presentations and coffee consumption. But fate, in its infinite wisdom (and questionable timing), decided to spice things up with a surprise layoff. Suddenly, I found myself at a crossroads: pursue a sensible career or finally write those books that had been percolating in my brain for decades. Naturally, I chose the path of most resistance and dove headfirst into the tumultuous seas of children's literature. "The Young Pirate's Handbook" is my debut voyage into authorship. It's the book I would have sold my sister for as a kid (sorry, sis). It's packed with swashbuckling tales, mind-bending riddles, and enough activities to keep young buccaneers busy for days. And for those more celestially inclined, keep your telescopes pointed towards the horizon for "The Young Astronaut's Handbook" - because who says you can't have sea legs and moon boots? When I'm not scribbling down new adventures or testing out questionable pirate accents on my kids, you can find me attempting to build the world's most elaborate pillow fort or explaining to my wife why we absolutely need a telescope in the living room. So, if you're looking for books that'll make your kids forget Fortnite exists (at least for a few hours), or if you just want to relive your own childhood adventures without the risk of actual scurvy, come aboard! The adventure is just beginning, and I promise the only thing we'll maroon is boredom.