Austyn R Shull is the 2nd personality of Austyn Shull (author of "Unfathomable Existence") ( Austyn R is mostly utilized to create the horrific immaturity that lies within the gory and ridiculous pages of the book series "Blink Psychopath." These abominations are crafted in a way that required a new personality in order to pass the blame... While the Austyn Shull personality enjoys creating magical Sci-Fi worlds, the Austyn R personality likes to tear them down and wreak unwavering destruction to all within it. The “R” came about when Austyn wrote and recorded comedy cds that just didn’t scream, “Mom, listen to this!” Sometime later… He began cannibalizing his old projects to create “Blink Psychopath,” in which he doesn’t just cannibalize old scripts and story ideas but weaves them into one perfectly psychotic world. They are kept in script format, because he wanted to do something new, and the visuals worked best this way, but the 3rd season/book explores another format, which is even better than the scripted chaos. Both personas are behind the projects... from a murderous kitty, to a circus invaded by aliens... It's gratuitous and hilarious... But he shares the blame on these projects with Mat Johnson, so don't hate him for every word. From Austyn "I hope this hastily written bio helps convince you to read my books. I like superheroes and the supernatural, and I think all my books show that love. With all my projects, both personas, I write the way I like to write. If the story is enjoyable for me, then I'm sure it will entertain others. If not, I have wasted a lot of time..." (Please excuse all the costume pics, I don't have a girlfriend.)