Autumn Michaelis is a home cook for home cooks who want delicious healthy food to feel approachable and simple. Her family of seven have eaten Paleo since 2017 and she wanted to provide more Whole30 and Paleo budget and family-friendly recipes and resources. Autumn is the Whole30 Coaching Manager and an Advanced Level Whole30 Certified Coach. She is also an ACSM Certified Exercise Physiologist and hols a BS in Exercise Science from BYU. Exercise was her first love, but nutrition has become her passion, as she has personally seen the powerful ways in which food directly affects our health. She is mom to five boys ages ten to eighteen (her "walking stomachs!") and loves adventuring, dancing, and developing whole-food gluten- and dairy-free recipes on her blog, wholefoodfor7.com. She lives just north of Sacramento, CA.