Axel Schwab is regarded by many as something of an expert on Japanese cuisine and culture. He lived for over five years in Tokyo, channelling his experiences into writing his guide “Tokyo Maze” – a favourite with many visitors to the city. The walking guide has since been supplemented by other books: “Japan in 60 Easy Steps”, “Tokyo Photo Guide” and “Japan Hanko”. When back in Germany, he is always on the lookout for good, authentic Japanese food and Japan-related specialist shops. It’s no surprise to learn, therefore, that he has also written the travel and restaurant guide “Japan in Berlin”. In his “Sushi Guide” he shares his profound knowledge of the ins and outs of sushi, and endeavours to make nigiri sushi just as popular as the sushi rolls which are already firm favourites in his home country. He also visits Japan for several weeks every year to ensure new editions of his travel guides are up to date and to re-calibrate his taste buds as a restaurant tester!