Brad Rote was born in L.A., California and lived in Newport, Rhode Island and Oahu, Hawaii as a Navy brat and returned back to Malibu Lake, California in his teens. After creating his first business in his mid-twenties, he moved to writing in his mid-thirties and landed his first meeting with a top production company in Hollywood with his second screenplay, 'Monkey Fist' in 2001. Brad has been spec writing screenplays to date. He has been adapting some of his screenplays to novels and 'Dark Moon in the 12th House' was one of these. The screenplay was being considered for production but the deal never came together. Brad's screenplay 'Dark Moon' was also a 'Nicholl' finalist with the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. www.oscars.org Brad has just launched his new children, young adult, and 'young at heart' series: House of Wellcraft. The first of twelve books, HOUSE OF WELLCRAFT: The Island of Souls, is now available on Kindle. Enjoy! See my pages on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/brad.rote.7