The author has a degree in Law with an honorable mention in Roman Law and Ancient Opposition to the Administration of Justice. He has been a passionate student of the classical world and the Culture of Ancient Rome for many years. Remembering his studies when he was a bachelor, and with much love and dedication, has developed these didactic materials, which I believe are suitable for basic learning of Latin and the knowledge of its classical culture, because it is through the practice, in this case, of reading adapted texts, of different lengths, as best a language so apparently distant, but as alive as Latin, is the foundation of the languages spoken in the West, can be assimilated. You can see my entire Roma Aeterna collection published on Kindle. Latin didactics. Other titles published are the Spanish Constitution and jointly owned buildings. A great fan of gardening, cacti and succulent plants, he has prepared a complete guide for the care of the Poinsettia or Christmas Flower, based on his own experience and the knowledge of expert florists and nurserymen.