To access Free Ministry Resources Every Week, just go to: https://lectionarylink.com Barry has shared over three decades with his loving wife, Robin. They are the proud parents of four outstanding children and doting grandparents to three remarkable grandchildren. Born and raised in Ohio, Barry's roots and loyalty still firmly reside with the Buckeyes, despite having experienced life in several different states throughout his childhood. He currently resides in the serene heartland of Central Kentucky. With a pastoral career spanning more than 30 years, Barry is profoundly familiar with the challenges and rewards of ministering to a community. His experience extends from delivering engaging sermons from the pulpit to participating in challenging board meetings, from active evangelism to spearheading various church-related initiatives. Alongside his solid academic foundation, Barry brings a practical understanding of applying divine wisdom to everyday life and circumstances. Barry's love for spreading spiritual enlightenment extends to his prolific writing career. He has authored, co-authored, and edited numerous Christian books, devoting substantial time to creating new, insightful resources for pastoral ministries and Christian readers alike. His educational background is as robust as it is diverse, boasting a Bachelor's degree in both Theology, with a focus on the Old Testament, and Biblical Literature. He also holds a Master's degree in New Testament and Preaching, a Doctorate of Ministry in Homiletics, and a PhD in Executive Leadership. This extensive education has equipped Barry with the knowledge and skills to nurture and guide his readers on their spiritual journeys.