Basu Nat


Basunat Team is a small, independent studio formed by passionate RPG players, creating books for fellow players. We saw a gap in the Solo RPG world and decided to fill it. Our mission is simple: to create the kinds of resources we wish we had when we started out, and to make them accessible at affordable prices. We began by publishing our work in digital format, but due to popular demand from our readers, we’ve now made these works available in print as well. Our collection covers a wide range of RPG experiences, from beginner's guides to deep, immersive solo adventures. Some of our most popular series include Beginner's Guides, Standalone Games and Solo RPG Journaling. We pride ourselves on delivering roleplaying books at prices that won’t break the bank, and we’re grateful for the positive reception we've received, including glowing 5-star reviews. We’re transparent about what we offer, and we provide free previews of all our books and games on DriveThruRPG, so potential readers can explore our content before making a purchase. Previews are also available for all our books with Kindle version. We remain committed to moving forward, focusing on what we do best—creating the RPG resources that our community who enjoy our work in digital format loves and appreciates.



