Ben H. English is an eighth-generation Texan who grew up in the Big Bend, one of six generations of his family to call this area home. At seventeen he joined the Marines, ultimately becoming a chief scout-sniper as well as a platoon sergeant. Later he was recruited into counterintelligence work and ultimately traveled to over thirty countries on four continents. At Angelo State University he graduated Magna Cum Laude along with other honors including Alpha Chi, Alpha Lambda Delta and Who’s Who in American Universities and Colleges. Afterwards Ben had a career in the Texas Highway Patrol where he held several instructor billets involving firearms, driving, officer survival and defensive tactics. He was also on the regional pistol team, regional honor guard and district civil disturbance management team. In November of 2017, Mr. English had his first book published. This was his beginning effort in writing and it was accepted by a university press almost immediately. Since then Yonderings has garnered several awards and continues to be a steady seller, having been compared to another Texas classic Goodbye To A River. With this recent success as a starting point, he has branched into writing a series of novels that will use the history of the Lone Star state as a backdrop. Ultimately, this effort will encompass a dozen volumes concerning different settings and eras. His intimate knowledge of what he writes about lends credence and authenticity to his work. Ben knows how it feels to get hit and hit back, or being thirsty, cold, wet, sick, hungry, alone or exhausted beyond imagination. Finally, he knows what it is like to not only be the hunter but also the hunted. Ben and his wife have two sons who both graduated from the Naval Academy at Annapolis. He still likes nothing better than grabbing a pack and some canteens, and heading out to where few others ever go.