Bennie Mostert


Bennie Mostert was born and bred in Namibia and have been serving the Lord since a very young age. At the age of 16, while still at school, he realized that God has called him for missionary work. He graduated with a doctorate in theology from the University of Pretoria. Over the years he had served as minister in the Dutch Reformed Chruch in the congregation of Usakos, Namibia and thereafter at Telefriend, Windhoek Nambia before relocating to Pretoria, South Africa, with his wife Anita and their three children. In Pretoria, he worked for Operation Mobilization, a Christian missionary organization founded by George Verwer to mobilize young people to live and share the Gospel of Jesus. He founded Jericho Walls International Prayer Network ( an interdenominational Christian prayer ministry committed to building a strong, broad-based prayer network to support the Church to fulfil its calling as a “house of prayer for the nations.” Jericho Walls Mission Our mission is to mobilise, inform and equip the Body of Christ to pray effectively for the fulfilment of the Great Commandment and the Great Commission for the advance of the Kingdom of God. This is done through the following: To pray for revival worldwide and world evangelisation. To pray for a harvest of souls. To pray for relevant national and international issues. To pray for justice, and for the poor and needy. Jericho Walls Goals The goals that support our mission are: To help raise up and mobilise intercessors nationally and internationally. To mobilise congregations nationally and internationally to be houses of prayer. To establish prayer watches where people will pray night and day.


