Bireswar Chakraborty is not only best astrologer in Kolkata but also in every part in India and out of India(U.K, South Africa,Srilanka,Bangladesh and many more) for his online prediction which is 100% perfect according to Vandyke Astrology. He started journey in this field when he was just 16yrs old. He never thought to take astrology as his profession. He started to learn astrology only to know what is astrology . he has been awarded with Jyotish Mahapadhaya & Jyotish Vadyabas title and he is life time member of Astrological research Project in Kolkata (INDIA). He avails the most trusted astrology in Mumbai, Kolkata, Punjab, Bangalore, and out of India .He is specialist both on Chart reading, Palm Reading, Face reading. He is also carrying vast knowledge on Gemstones, Yantra, Vastu. He is famous for marriage prediction and pregnancy problems ,Education and carrier prediction, Horoscope and life prediction, Job prediction, Political life prediction, Health problems solution.