Bob Bryla


Bob Bryla was born in the mid 60's near Chicago, Illinois: a long time before the Internet was even a gleam in Vinton Cerf's eyes. As a freshman in high school, Bob got on the computer revolution bandwagon, writing BASIC programs and various assembler programs for a DEC minicomputer. And the rest, they say, is history. Bob has over 30 years of experience in the database business, including database design, Oracle Database administration, and technical writing. His books run the gamut from introductory texts to advanced Oracle DBA guides to certification titles. He has been working at Epic in Verona, Wisconsin as an Oracle DBA and Systems Architect since 2011. To relieve the stress caused by extreme technology, Bob listens to heavy metal and other alternative rock, frequently attending local concert festivals. He is less well known at the concert festivals than he is at the local Oracle user group meetings.



