For the book, Stoney, The Waves and The Silver Lining, please see the links below for the newspaper article, podcast and Nancy’s fitness videos. Bonnie is grateful to have helped her friend, Nancy Stoneberg, write her engaging memoir about love, tragedy, and moving along in life with the memory of her deceased husband, Mark, tucked deeply into her everyday living. Newspaper article in the Robbinsdale Sun Post on March 15, 2022, about Nancy Stoneberg and Bonnie Boufford writing Nancy’s memoir, a podcast for the book at Britleigh Art Excelsior! on June 21, 2022, and Nancy Stoneberg online fitness videos. Bonnie also created the fun-filled children’s picture book, Earthrise Earthset, about the relationship of the Sun and Earth where children learn it is the Earth that turns to face toward and away from the Sun each day. The story shows children pretending to take a trip across the world from daytime into nighttime. When she is not writing in her favorite alcove, Bonnie spends much time with her family and delving into her other passions of reading, genealogy research, bicycling, hiking, and music. You may find Bonnie on Instagram at bboufford22.