![Kindle Unlimited](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/G/01/AmazonStores/kindle_unlimited_program_badge.png)
Bonnie Divina Maa, RN, E-RYT 500, Practitioner of Energy Medicine, serves students and clients across the world as a multi-dimensional healer, soul guide, ceremonialist, trauma specialist, and psychedelic medicine integration specialist. She spent fifteen years as a critical care nurse before transitioning to ascension work. Her background as a yoga teacher, singer/songwriter, and travel afficionado has greatly informed her path. Her quest for spiritual wisdom led her to sit at the feet of enlightened beings such as Ram Dass and Mata Amritanandamayi Ma, as well as many indigenous shamans in the Amazon, and she has grown from a spiritual seeker to a spiritual teacher. She has appeared on multiple podcasts on YouTube and other platforms, and she often leads retreats, ceremonies, and workshops, and has presented at conscious festivals, conferences, and gatherings around the world. She is a highly respected and beloved leader in her local community, outside of Houston, TX. All of her work is centered around helping people remember who they are. More can be learned about her and her offerings on her website, Bonnie Divina Maa.