

Book§Summaries Without Incessant Filler Traps are written to save you TIME - the most precious commodity we have in our lives. We endeavor to provide readers the golden nuggets for each book we produce an executive summary for through our stringent process. We read through each chapter of the book several times until we are satisfied that the main arguments and points have been captured well as we leave the filler and irrelevant material behind. To allow you to utilize your time to it's fullest potential, we work long, hard and diligently to produce executive summaries so you don't have to read a 300+ page book, word for word. Forget all the fillers, we cut straight to the juicy stuff. We're not dealing with movies here where knowing how it ends could potentially ruin the movie. We deal with non-fiction books and we get straight to the ending and the information that you seek. There's no need for suspense here. Why else do we read non-fiction books? Some may read non-fiction for entertainment, but the vast majority of us just want the information in the book that has hopefully been presented in a clear, concise, and understandable manner so that we can rapidly apply the knowledge into our lives immediately and experience the benefits straight away. Book§Swift executive summaries are catered to those who have limited time and aren't able to indulge and read books at their leisure. Time-restricted individuals will be provided the opportunity to understand and comprehend these golden nuggets of information to live a better life and have a greater positive impact in their community. Our executive summaries also serve individuals, who much like us, are avid readers and have gone through countless books to only find they remember only several key takeaways months or years later (3 seems to be the common trend in our team - we've gathered the data!). Book§Swift executive summaries will allow you to refresh your memory and apply concepts you may have missed in your first read and this will enable you to apply these concepts into your life which will enhance your wisdom, and not just your knowledge. Our mission is to simplify the information and swift through the filler content to present clear, precise and easy to understand executive summaries including only the golden nuggets from each book we dissect. Do the 20% that gives you 80% of the results. Read Less, Know More Book§Swift Team

