Brad Young


Brad H. Young, Ph.D. is the founder and President of the Gospel Research Foundation, Inc. Residing in Tulsa, OK, Dr. Young is an emeritus professor of the faculty of the Graduate School of Theology at Oral Roberts University (ORU) where he served as a Tenured Professor of Judaic-Christian Studies teaching Bible and theology for 31 years. He specializes in the Jewish roots of early Christianity. His father was an attorney and state Senator and his mother was a school teacher. He spent ten years in Israel. At the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, he pursued graduate studies in early Christianity and ancient Judaism. During this time, he lectured at the Jerusalem University College, served as Research Assistant to Dr. David Flusser, and earned two degrees, an M.A. and Ph.D., both from Hebrew University. He was a lecturer in Comparative Religions at Hebrew University for two years. Paulist Press published Dr. Young's doctoral dissertation under the title, Jesus and His Jewish Parables. Dr. Young is one of the founding scholars of the Jerusalem School of Synoptic Studies having worked closely on Gospel research with Prof. David Flusser, Dr. Robert L. Lindsey, and Prof. Shmuel Safrai. He has contributed to scholarly journals and spoken at many academic, church, interfaith, and civic gatherings. His most popular books focus on the life of Jesus and on the comparative study of Gospel and rabbinic parables. He is currently working on the soon to be published Hebrew Heritage Bible Translation of the Newer Testament.



