I like peanut butter on my pancakes. As a 36yo man I ate so many chocolate chip cookies I threw up. I ate a couple more afterwards. I invented a medical device. I wrote a children's book with my wife. I don't have a favorite color but I do like earth tones. I've done my own dental surgery. I broke my foot and didn't notice for over a decade. I'm down with pineapple on pizza. I believe our current elected officials are doing a fantastic job regardless of party, and aren't an embarrassment to the American people whom they take advantage of for their own selfish reasons and personal gain making a mockery of every sacrifice made to create this nation while simultaneously creating a pay to win living standard that allows the ultra rich and corporations to wring every cent out of working class individuals while destroying our planet and eagerly sending our children off to war. My favorite instrument is the banjo. Only one of these things is untrue.