Bri M Tarros


Hello there! I'm Bri, an avid record-keeper and journaling enthusiast. I create books to help others discover the joy and power of documenting their lives. My passion for record-keeping began as a child when I got my first diary. I was fascinated by capturing my thoughts, feelings, and daily activities within its pages. As an adult, I find keeping logs, journals, and notebooks to be grounding. It helps me reflect, find inspiration, and remember important moments. I'm inspired to create books that make record-keeping accessible for everyone. My aim is to provide prompts, tips, and creative formats to fit diverse lifestyles. From food logs to dream journals to pregnancy journals and more - I want to cover it all! The inspiration for my books comes from my own personal journals as well as wanting to help others. I find such fulfillment in preserving memories and tracking growth. My hope is that my books will spark that same fulfillment for you. Let's capture life's journey together, one written word at a time!



