Brian Paolino


My three-year-old son was having trouble at school with bullies and at home with not listening. Each day was a fight to get him to try new foods, put his head underwater at swim school, or even slide down the slide at a new playground. It wasn't that he couldn't do these simple things; it was that he slumped his shoulders, put his head down, and asked Mommy and Daddy for help if there was anything outside the norm. I could feel the energy zap out of him regarding anything new. My son didn't have the self-confidence to try new things, stand up for himself, or even meet new friends. It killed me because I remember being the exact same way when I was little. I didn't want him to experience that same pain. I tried talking it out, helping him do the task, and I'm ashamed to say scolding. None of those led to any type of success. I knew there had to be a solution. That's when I started implementing what I was learning personally about the words I tell myself. I began repeating those positive words of affirmation with him. First, I would say it and then he would repeat it back. Every day we practiced, "I am loved. I am strong. I am brave." Just a few simple sentences said in a silly voice started to take root in their hearts. All of a sudden, There were fewer temper tantrums and my son started talking about new friends, going down a new slide, and even putting his head in the water! By repeating and saying those positive words to himself it created a new self-confidence. Now, when I say "Tell me your affirmations" it's almost a game to see how loud he can yell it. It's also had a huge impact on my daughter as well as she loves to repeat them with us. Positive affirmations have been a game changer in our house, and I know they can bring confidence, love, and support to your family as well.

