Brittany Funk


Meet Brittany Funk, a dynamic mother of two incredible, energy-filled boys who have been her greatest inspiration on her writing journey. It was her eldest son's battle with sensory processing disorders that set Brittany on a path to explore the transformative power of literature. With boundless creativity and unwavering determination, Brittany Funk has become the guiding light behind two remarkable journals: 'Outer Space Journal,' a captivating voyage through the cosmos of creative writing for kids, and 'Daily Reflections,' a pocket-sized sanctuary for Mental Health & Well-Being. Immersed in the world of words, Brittany's mission is twofold: To ignite a passionate love for journaling in the hearts of young adventurers and to shine a compassionate light on the intricate tapestry of mental health challenges. Join Brittany on her crusade to inspire children's imaginations and create a more empathetic world where mental well-being is cherished. Through her words, she's not just telling stories; she's weaving a tapestry of resilience and hope. Stay connected with Brittany's journey on Instagram for a daily dose of inspiration or connect professionally on LinkedIn. Explore her journals, and let your own journey begin.

