Brooke Carlock has been punched in the face by grief on more than a few occasions, but she keeps getting back up and hopes to inspire others to do the same. She is the creator of the Grief Sucks with Brooke Carlock YouTube Channel, host of the Mourning Coffee Podcast, and cofounder of Live Like Libby, a nonprofit organization that provides dance scholarships in her late daughter's honor. Brooke brings a refreshingly pragmatic and humorous approach to the often somber world of grief support. Armed with a BA in English from West Virginia University and a Master of Arts in Teaching from Johns Hopkins University, Brooke has spent 23 years in the trenches of middle school English classes trying to convince 13 year-olds that Shakespeare and grammar are cool. As an author, speaker, and educator, Brooke’s blend of heartfelt sincerity and light-hearted realism prove she’s not just another voice in the field of grief education; she’s the one who’ll keep it real with you, offering pragmatic advice while never underestimating the power of a well-timed joke. When she's not making videos, providing grief support, writing books, or wrangling middle schoolers, she enjoys reading historical fiction, baking, and going to farmers markets. She lives in a small town in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.