Bruce J. West


I am a scientist. I was a researcher and director in a non-profit reseach institure for twenty years (La Jolla Institute), a physics professor and department chair for ten years (University of North Texas), and a chief scientist in mathematics for the Army for the past dozen years (Army Research Office). My passion is learning and discussing what I learn with experts and non-experts alike. My method of operation is to research and publish in an area until what has been done exceeds my ability to remember and then I write a book. Sometimes the book is in broad strokes with vivid colors that reveals to the lay person the impact the discoveries have on their lives. For example, the amazing developments in physiology and medicine that I helped develop in collaboration with the late Jonas Salk. Other books are written for the specialist in a more pointilist style and are intentionally provocative to stimulate further research. Still other are landscapes for the students intended to interconnect various disciplines such as sociology, psychology, medicine and network science.


