Bruce Koerber was born in 1956 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. In 1985-6 he studied Austrian economics at Auburn University shortly after the establishment of the Ludwig von Mises Institute in 1982 in Auburn, Alabama. Reading, contemplating, and some teaching over the next twenty years prepared the seed bed for a unique and marvelous germ which appeared in a dream in late 2004. This image in the mind of an economist technically trained in the classical liberalism tradition became the foundation of a new human action theory called the divine economy theory. By reading these books you will experience the seven year journey that began with the image. From it emerged new human action models that 'lay out for everyone to see' the macroeconomy, the microeconomy, ethical economics, and economic justice. There is nothing out there like it, nothing so coherent and integrated, nothing so descriptive of the subjective nature of humans and their social cooperation. The theory is thrilling and the models represent a new economic technology.